Warm Wishes Basket#16

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6 red roses, 5 red carnations, and 4 white lilies, with a mini bear and Christmas greens in Basket

Looking for a beautiful and festive Christmas arrangement?
Look no further than our Warm Wishes Basket! This stunning basket includes 6 red roses, 5 red carnations, and 4 white lilies, and is accented with a mini bear and Christmas greens. It's the perfect way to show your loved ones how much you care this holiday season.

Here are some of the benefits our customers have enjoyed:
-The perfect way to show your loved ones you care this holiday season
-A beautiful and festive Christmas arrangement
-Includes 6 red roses, 5 red carnations, 4 white lilies and mini bear
Order your Warm Wishes Basket today!

Please Note: Bear design and color may vary.

Please Note: Basket design may vary.

Your purchase includes a complimentary personalized free message card.

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